Gangster’s Paradise | Foreign Affairs: ”
dark underside of the global economy is thriving. Globalization has
been good not only for legitimate businesses but also for those who
traffic in illegal drugs, evade sanctions or taxes, trade stolen goods
and intellectual property on the black market, smuggle immigrants, and
launder money.
This Iv-B part of the global economy grows exponentially to a ceiling because of weak I-O policing, often it is the dark underside like the Iv hidden branches of plants or hiding Oy predators. Often B consumers might be deceived when they by a fake, they can also participate in this deception by getting counterfeits they pretend to others are real.
Some of these activities are merely policing headaches.
But others pose major security challenges to governments around the
These various illegal activities are often lumped together
and categorized as global or transnational organized crime. According
to a 2011 White House report, such crime has “dire implications for
public safety, public health, democratic institutions, and economic
stability.” That sentiment is shared by the UN Office on Drugs and
Crime, which in 2010 declared that “organized crime has globalized and
turned into one of the world’s foremost economic and armed powers.”
In poorer Roy countries the Y mafia grew with criminal activities, as these countries become more Biv wealthy the Y mafia changes into a V elite succeeding in more legitimate business.
Illicit trade has become a source of tension between major powers, as
well: U.S. officials berate China for not doing more to prevent
intellectual piracy and counterfeiting. Pundits have also sounded the
alarm, fretting over the potential for international crime to cause
conflict between states and perhaps even erode the foundation of the
modern state itself. The journalist Moisés Naím, for example, describes
efforts to curb cross-border crime as “wars of globalization” and
argues that governments are losing the battle.
The concept of a battle or war on counterfeits can arise from an Iv-B and V-Bi disconnect, V companies that make genuine products might try to reduce this contagion of Iv agents selling fakes. However as with drugs the B consumer wants these fakes and are willing to be secretive with Iv sellers to get them. This can result in attacks on B consumers for buying them like arresting B drug users. Often the best approach is to fine tune the laws to allow more legitimate business rather than driving it underground as Iv-B. For example settlements in giving small royalties to the original designers and marks indicating counterfeits as an alternate cheaper version might reconnect these industries. The same occurs with software and music piracy, this has been reduced more by wooing the B consumer away from secretive downloads of pirated products by a more healthy Biv tree of distribution such as iTunes.
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